About Me

Hi there! I’m Mallory. I'm a Virgo, an Enneagram 6, and even though I'm a proud cat-mom, I'm a dog person at heart. 

While my background is in theatrical stage management, I fell into the virtual assistance world a number of years back (before the pandemic moved everything online), and I've been slowly falling in love with it ever since. Working in the field has allowed me to assist a variety of different small business owners, creative professionals, and non-profit organizations in expanding their outreach and increasing their efficiencies.  

My natural tendency is to create order out of chaos (if you're into astrology, you know us Virgos enjoy organization like no other!) My approach to this mission, though, looks a little different from many of the stage-manager-type-A folks I know. Adaptability and a person-first mentality are core values of mine -- they're part of what prompted me to attend Viterbo University to study Theatre. Though I was raised Lutheran, their concentration on servant leadership and their values of contemplation, hospitality, integrity, service, and stewardship drew me to this Catholic Franciscan university (yes -- we saw nuns on campus frequently!). 

My work -- on-stage or on-line -- is guided by those founding principles of servant leadership. In every project I am a part of, I'm seeking to serve those around me, build genuine connections, and hopefully leave the world a better place in some small yet meaningful way. 

Fun Facts About Me

I go strawberry picking with my 94 year old grandmother every year. 

My best friend is also a stage manager and thespian in St. Paul, MN!

As previously mentioned, I'm a relatively new yet proud cat mom to sweet Princess.