Virtual Assistant

Your passion for serving others fuels your organization, but you're tired of working long hours and through breaks.  

I'm Mallory, and I'm here to make your life easier. 

Coming from the fast-paced world of theatrical management and production, 

I transitioned into the virtual assistance biz just over five years ago. The skills I'd honed as a theatrical stage manager made it possible to seamlessly move into the virtual sphere -- even before COVID-19 shifted so much online. 

I work with my clients personally to determine their needs and how my skills can help their business thrive. While this often involves integrating my help into their social media, email newsletters, and more, these four principles are at the heart of all of the work that I do:

Organization: Creating order is something that comes naturally to me (Virgo, Enneagram 6, and oldest daughter here); it's the main reason I began working in theater and it's what propelled me to pursue a. B.F.A. in Theatre, emphasis Stage Management. As a stage manager, managing complex schedules, coordinating between different departments, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly requires meticulous attention to detail. Coordinating other people's chaos has been my passion since the age of 16! 

Communication: Whether coordinating with directors, actors, or crew, I have learned the importance of conveying information effectively and listening attentively. These same communication skills are invaluable when working with clients, understanding their needs, and keeping them informed. 

Problem-Solving: Live theatre is unpredictable, and a stage manager must be prepared to handle unexpected changes swiftly and calmly. As a virtual assistant, I tackle issues as they arise and find solutions that keep your operations running smoothly. 

Adaptability: I pride myself on staying flexible and responsive to your changing needs and the evolving demands of your business. 

Together, we can make sure your message reaches those who need it most, while you continue to lead with purpose and passion. 

My experience in professional theatre, assisting small businesses, and growing up in the automotive aftermarket world gives me unique insight into the pressures and demands you face as a highly driven woman with a passion for making a difference. 

Bringing a blend of organization, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability to every project I work on, I aim to be a consistent calming presence, bringing ease and efficiency to your day-to-day operations -- ready to help lighten your load instead of becoming another task to manage -- so that you can focus on what truly matters. 

I offer my services on an asynchronous basis, allowing me to accommodate your needs while managing my personal schedule efficiently. With my rate of $20/hour, you'll receive top-notch assistance at a reasonable cost. I diligently track my time in 15-minute intervals and provide you with a monthly invoice, making the payment process seamless. 

Ready to lighten your workload and amplify your outreach?

Send me an email at and let's get started working together today!